Sticky Post

The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds.
Albert Schweitzer, M. D.

Managing Impulsivity

Here are three worksheets that you can look through to STARt your thinking about managing impulsivity! Do you know that less impulsive people are more prepared to succeed in life? Have a look also at this video of a seminal study done--it's called the Marshmallow Test! Look through the video and think about how delayed gratification, managing your impulsivity, can help improve your life! Think about all these things the next time you're tempted to log online to chat with your friends rather than do your homework! :)

Think with a friend about all the times you've managed to curb your impulsivity. Think of specific examples of incidents and HOW you overcame your impulsivity. Share tips and strategies with your friend and fill up the following strategy map!